Typically, summer time is when the Real Estate Market picks up.
It did last year at right about this same time. It took off.
Last month when we looked at these graphs it looked like the market was leveling off.
This month we have an obvious upward trend in both Price and Activity.
In my opinion...
This is most likely going to lead to Higher Prices by the end of this summer.
If you or someone you know is considering buying anytime soon.
I would advise not to wait too long.
Currently we have a comfortable level of Inventory.
But when the feeding frenzy starts up, it becomes very difficult to get
the "quality" properties that all other buyers want as well.

After several years of dropping Interest Rates,
In an attempt to spark the National Real Estate Market,
Rates have settled in at around 4.5%
Which is a Great Rate!
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