Elaine and James Hansen

Elaine and James Hansen

Friday, November 20, 2015

Who's Buying Homes? young or old ...

Interesting Comparison of who is Buying homes broken down by age groups.
in 2005, 10 years ago the country seemed even.
10 years later things seem different.
So what happened?
We had a housing bubble / crisis.  A Struggling Economy.
We hear a lot about how the millennials can't find jobs.
North Dakota had a Fracking Boom.
Florida has a lot of Retirees.

Not exactly sure what causes changes like these but they are interesting to look at.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Seasonal Trends are Becoming More Noticeable...

Last Year about this time many people, "In the Know"
claimed that the Real Estate Market had Peaked.
Prices had leveled off and activity had slowed, 
the same way it is happening now.
In a Normal Market, there are Seasonal Trends.
On the graph below we can start to see ours.
Prices leveling off and a slower market from Sept thru March.
And rising activity and Sales Prices April to August.
Knowing this, Buyers might want to take advantage of this Trend. Now!

We still claim that our Las Vegas Market has a way to go before it has fully recovered.
According to Trulia, we are at 2004 pricing. Where should they be?