Elaine and James Hansen

Elaine and James Hansen

Monday, April 29, 2013

What's Causing this Surge of Activity in Las Vegas?

An article containing the above graph from RealtyTraq.com is all over the internet.
I found it reposted on The Wall Street Jornal Website. 
Investors around the Nation see statistics like this and want to get their money in play fast. 

Over the past month, we have taken 4 new listings. 
We marketed them and kept them active for 1 week to allow Buyers time to submit offers. 
We received on average  10 offers per listing.
Over half of those offers were Non-Owner Occupant All CASH offers Over List Price.

All this activity is Pushing Home Prices Upward at a fast pace.
Maybe a little too fast?!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this article. This is what I really need for my essay writer about real estate.
